• +256785566505
  • prolife.klarch@yahoo.com
  • Uganda Martyrs Guild Development Foundation (UMGDF) Building

Uganda Martyrs Pro-Life Apostolate

Every human life matters

Uganda Martyrs Pro-life Apostolate (UMPA) is a Christian organization that promotes and defends human life from the moment of conception until natural death.

The right to life is the most fundamental human right from which all others flow. We believe that human life is sacred, a gift from God and should be protected as such since life has its authentic origin in God.

We organize and conduct awareness campaigns to target groups and form pro–life youth clubs.


What We Do

We hold radio and TV talk shows.

Since 2014, UMPA has been presenting radio talk shows on Radio Maria every Thursday...

We offer Natural Family Planning.

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is entirely “pro-life” and acceptable by all cultures and religions...

We organize charitable activities.

We believe that, we are not placed in this world for ourselves but for each other...

We organize and conduct awareness campaigns to target groups and form pro–life youth clubs.

We empower people to embrace moral values through educative talks and videos;

We organize and conduct Pro–life annual conventions and diocesan Pro–life days.

The young people together with other age groups get together to share more about issues that UMPA...

We offer psychosocial support

We also offer guidance and counselling on matters of pro-life; women with crisis pregnancy and those suffering post-abortion effects, young people struggling with same-sex...


Sensitized People

resources distributed

lives saved from abortion

Pro-life groups


It was in 2004 in the diocese of Kasana-Luweero when Fr. Bill, an Indian priest, went to the diocesan grounds to hold a Charismatic popular mission rally. During his preaching...


Who We Are

Our Mission

Commitment to promoting a culture of life

Our Vision

A population knowledgeable about the value of every human life and a society based on a genuine and authentic respect for every human life

Our Motto

Every human life matters.

The Founder

Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga

He was installed Archbishop of Kampala on 30th-Sep-2006 and soon after embarked on starting a Pro-life group in the Archdiocese because of his concern for the increasing number of abortions and the moral degeneration...

UMPA founder Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga (19th-Jan-1953 to 3rd-Apr-2021)


Upcoming Events