• +256785566505
  • prolife.klarch@yahoo.com
  • Uganda Martyrs Guild Development Foundation (UMGDF) Building

Our History


It was in 2004 in the diocese of Kasana-Luweero when Fr. Bill, an Indian priest, went to the diocesan grounds to hold a Charismatic popular mission rally. During his preaching, he taught the crowds the evil of abortion and many were touched by his message. He invited all those who have ever participated in abortion to go to the Kasana-Luweero cathedral for special prayers. Bishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga who was the ordinary of this diocese at the time was present in the Cathedral. He was overwhelmed to see the Cathedral full and he urgently felt a need to start a Pro-life group in his diocese and this he did in the shortest possible time.

When he was transferred to the Archdiocese of Kampala, he started a pro-life group which was called Pro-life Kampala Archdiocese but later he changed to name to Uganda Martyrs Pro-life Apostolate (UMPA) when he placed it under the patronage of the Uganda Martyrs.