What We Do
We organize and conduct awareness campaigns to target groups and form pro–life youth clubs.
We empower people to embrace moral values through educative talks and videos; our sessions are very interactive as we discuss with people and whenever possible, encourage them to debate as they learn the life skill of critical thinking. We always encourage question-and-answer sessions to allow for clarity. We meet audiences from different age groups, education status, and Religious affiliations. The aim is to empower the young and old to choose to uphold morals. We reach out to secondary and primary schools, tertiary institutions, universities, Churches, houses of formation and corporate entities. For the unmarried, we strongly encourage abstinence from sex until marriage and for the marrieds, faithfulness in marriage till death.

We organize and conduct Pro–life annual conventions and diocesan Pro–life days.
The young people together with other age groups get together to share more about issues that UMPA stands for and also get spiritual nourishment from church leaders who also empower them on how to live according to the morals acceptable by the church. The young people are also given a platform to showcase their talents as they pass on the gospel of life to their peers. Experts in various domains that promote life are invited to educate the learners.

We hold radio and TV talk shows.
Since 2014, UMPA has been presenting radio talk shows on Radio Maria every Thursday from 11am to 12pm. Here we discuss issues that affect the dignity of the human person and the traditional family. Our program uses reason, science, culture and faith to help listeners make life and family-affirming choices. Our radio program is among the most listened to programs on Radio Maria Uganda. We also hold occasional talk shows on Radio Sapientia and Uganda Catholic Television.

We offer psychosocial support
We also offer guidance and counselling on matters of pro-life; women with crisis pregnancy and those suffering post-abortion effects, young people struggling with same-sex attractions and the ones desiring to stop practicing homosexuality, those affected with addictions especially pornography, masturbation, and alcohol among others, families in crisis and many other issues.
We offer Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is entirely “pro-life” and acceptable by all cultures and religions including the Catholic Church. It respects God’s design for married love and human sexuality. It is the only category of family planning methods that is completely free of health complications yet as effective as or even more effective than a number of artificial methods. We teach a range of natural family planning methods and there is a method suitable for each one; even those with irregular cycles and breastfeeding mothers. These methods foster healthy relationships and can also be used to achieve pregnancy.
We organize charitable activities
We believe that, we are not placed in this world for ourselves but for each other. An act of kindness, however small it is, never goes to waste. Every year UMPA ambassadors and most of our Pro-life club members organize charitable activities aimed at extending kindness to the vulnerable through sharing with them some basic items. We also create time just to be with them, to listen, to comfort and to share a smile; we want them to feel loved and valuable in line with our motto “Every Human life matters”.