The Founder
Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga
He was installed Archbishop of Kampala on 30th-Sep-2006 and soon after embarked on starting a Pro-life group in the Archdiocese because of his concern for the increasing number of abortions and the moral degeneration.
He wanted Pro-life to be a form of new evangelization in his archdiocese reaching out to the youth, adults and agents of evangelization.
Activities of Uganda Martyrs Pro-life Apostolate finally kicked off in April 2008.
Archbishop Dr. Cyprian was very passionate about Pro-life and gave as much support as he could to ensure that it spreads to all corners of Kampala Archdiocese and beyond. Whenever he was meeting a group of Archdiocesan lay leaders, the clergy, the Religious, heads of institutions and other big audiences, he would invite a Pro-life member to address them or he would say something about Pro-life.
By the time of his death, UMPA activities had spread widely within the Archdiocese.